sm project.wmvPLEASE READ...
I am just a fan and I made this purely for fan entertainment :)
Ok This is My Very First Video that I have ever made!! I worked really hard on it and I hope you like it. Please leave a comment and tell me what you think :)
I tried to show that Serena and Darien's Love is pure and can never be destroyed. Also that they where destined to fall in love no matter what century they're in. I use the scout in transitions between the past on the moon and their present in Tokyo. I added an part at the end to it wouldn't be too much of a sad ending but you tell me what you think of it.
The song is called DAM DARIAM
This song came to when I was playing DDR and when I thought that it would be a good song for a Sailor Moon AMV :P just goes to show that an inspiration can come from anywhere..LOL XD