In this video, Charles Lumpkin cuts through all the confusion and tells what all the paid search match types mean for different engines. He also shares some strategies for how to use them effectively.
In this video, Charles Lumpkin describes the importance of creating a wide variety of content for SEO purposes. Whether it's articles, white papers, videos, or pictures, you have to become a content creation beast.
In this video, Charles Lumpkin describes the importance of creating a wide variety of content for SEO purposes. Whether it's articles, white papers, videos, or pictures, you have to become a content creation beast.
In this video Charles Lumpkin goes where few internet marketers have boldly gone before... He discusses the topic of paid links. With a little bit of know how, paid links can benefit your internet marketing strategies.
In this video Charles Lumpkin points out the need for variety in a site's links. He then gives practical examples of places to find good quality links.
I'm Charles Lumpkin. I spill my guts in this three-times-per-week video series. Iâve run thousands of online marketing campaigns for clients large and small. Take these tips and use them. Here's to your success! For more tips check out
Placing budget caps on your paid search is a really common mistake and really inefficient! Here I explain why and how your should remove budget caps to really boost your efficiency.