Ultrasonic Algae Control | LG Sonic Algae Controlhttp://www.pollutionsolutions-online.com/news/water-wastewater/17/lg_sound/ultrasonic_algae_control_system/14663/?=UltrasonicAlgaeControl Ultrasonic Algae Control -- Algae control LG Sonic®. LG Sound is the leading international manufacturer of innovative ultrasonic algae control systems. The LG Sonic® controls algae and reduces the formation of biofilm and some other micro-organisms in lakes, ponds, irrigation reservoirs, pools and all other situations where water is stored. Many of the traditional methods to fight algae are either insufficient, cumbersome, environmentally unfriendly, or all of these. For more information on LG Sonic Algae Control visit us online at: http://www.pollutionsolutions-online.com/news/water-wastewater/17/lg_sound/ultrasonic_algae_control_system/14663/?=LGSonicAlgaeControl