From KSEE 24 Fresno, Californias local NBC affiliate. Fresno is home to Pinnacle Armor, the company that makes Dragon Skin Body Armor, the best body armor in the world, rejected by the US military.
History Channel's Test Lab points its sights at Dragon Skin. Test Lab demonstrates the multi-hit capability by putting 26 rounds of AK47 military ball and 100 9mm rounds into one of Pinnacle Armor's SOV-2000 Dragon Skin vests. Eddie Paul (SFX expert) is enlisted to create an IED to put the armor to a test.
Pinnacle Armor CEO Murray Neal and the guys at time warp test Dragon Skin side by side with a ceramic plate armor using high speed cameras. The video shows a serious flaw in the ceramic plate system, when shot explodes with ceramics and bullet fragments!