Simple and Lucrative is a cash generating wizard for all levels of marketers. Beginners to Professionals have enjoyed excellent success with this system. The necessary training as well as a strong list of thousands are provided as a part of the package. The sooner you get involved the sooner your income can commence. Simple and Lucrative is a cash generating wizard for all levels of marketers. Beginners to Professionals have enjoyed excellent success with this system. The necessary training as well as a strong list of thousands are provided as a part of the package. The sooner you get involved the sooner your income can commence. Simple and Lucrative is a cash generating wizard for all. Training as well as a strong list of thousands are included with package. The sooner you start the sooner your income starts. describes the benefits of PGN in life style and income potential. PGN provides an opportunity for vacation travel while providing the wealth to enjoy the same. Work at home, with the numerous income streams possible with PGN. describes the benefits of PGN in life style and income potential. PGN provides an opportunity for vacation travel while providing the wealth to enjoy the same. Work at home, with the numerous income streams possible with PGN. describes the benefits of PGN in life style and income potential. PGN provides an opportunity for vacation travel while providing the wealth to enjoy the same. Work at home, with the numerous income streams possible with PGN.