Nick Hall, from Speedwell Performance, wants to know if advertising is likely to work for him. Our small business expert Linda Hailey explains that it's all about targeting your market.
Every shopping precinct has a distinct character. Linda Hailey suggests to duckeggBLUE owner, Leanne Carter-Taylor, that in retail, there are advantages to employing staff locally.
What you must have in place before you can create your brand.
6 places you should be using your brand to attract new clients.
And... How to live your brand for maximum impact.
In another step toward business growth, Ascend need to develop a training program for employees. While finding the time is proving a struggle, Linda has some fresh ideas.
Honest to Goodness want to break into new retail distribution channels. Tim Pethick advises that a little research might be a good starting point to help them build their brand.
Honest to Goodness want to differentiate their products between "natural" and "organic". Tim explains how using tag words and other devices are effective ways to build a brand image.
Honest to Goodness want to improve their search engine ranking. Aidan Beanland, from Yahoo!7 explains what they can do to improve their ranking through rich text content and links.
Honest to Goodness want to increase the traffic to their website and know if search engine optimisation agencies can help. Aidan gives some suggestions..
Ever wonder how a web hosting data center is put together? Sure, with love and care - but what else? Here is an interesting video that goes through the step by step process of building a server farm (very quickly!).
Lack of sleep is a common problem for small business owners. Dr Adam Fraser gives patissier Adriano Zumbo some tips on improving the quality of his sleep.