Luke Renner - yo-yo preview - basic yo-yo trick videos coming soonYo-Yos used in the demonstration by Jack Russell and 2 generic yo-yos for the two-handed shoot the moon (2 pack for $1.50). Preview for a series of online yo-yo trick videos. These videos will be released later in 2010 and cover the basics of yo-yoing: types of yo-yo's, how to change yo-yo strings, and a series of beginner yo-yo tricks. Footage filmed by Andrew Gomez in Northwest New Mexico 12/30/09. Audio compilation from public domain western radio shows. Yo-Yo Tricks featured in preview: two handed shoot the moon / shoot for the moon aka reach for the moon, two handed inside loop aka lunar loops or the whirlybird, loop-the-loop and shoot-for-the-moon.