How to Install CS5 suite(free)everbody make sure you run the "other file" in the administrator before you open any program
also if you can't get it working..then if you have teamviewer(free program) then let me know and i'll install it/try to get it working for you
sorry for the black sick on this video after weeks of trying to get it to render
if you have the cs5 master suite..or just photoshop etc..then go ahead and put in the keys for it(link at the bottom)...then follow the rest of the video
if you have any other sutie besides master..then install as trail as i did in the video (you can try and put in the key at the top and see if it at bottom)...also go down to the bottom to read my mistake that i made
if some products don't it did for me...then go ahead after you done with this video...and create another user account on your pc (administrator control) and install from there
this part right here is for the people that install any suties as a trail..after you extract the winrar file..pause the video...disable your up photoshop cs5..put in the key..then close able your internet back and follow the rest of the video
link that you need