Falun Gong - Truth unveiled behind the Beijing Olympics 2008Falun Gong - Truth unveiled behind the Beijing Olympics 2008
I invite everybody to watch these important websites / Invito a guardare questi siti importanti:
* http://www.falundafa.org/
(中文/English/Italiano and others)
* http://fgmtv.net/index.html
(中文/English/Italiano and others)
* http://www.cipfg.org/ (中文/English and others)
* http://organharvestinvestigati on.net/
(中文/English/Italiano and others)
* http://www.faluninfo.net/ (中文/English and others)
* http://falunhr.org/ (中文/English and others)
* http://clearwisdom.net/emh/ind ex.html(中文/English and others)
* http://www.ninecommentaries.co m/
(中文/English/Italiano and others)
* http://en.epochtimes.com/index 0.html (中文/English and others)
* http://ntdtv.com/ (中文/English and others)
* http://www.divineperformingart s.org/sy/
* http://soundofhope.org/
* www.*******.us
* http://www.falundafa.it/materi ale.htm (italiano)
* http://it.clearharmony.net/(it aliano)
* http://www.secretchina.com/ (中文)