Taped at Club Amnesia in NYC on June 9, 2010 by
Al Samuels (Alivision Video Productions). This was a red carpet event including interviews,bands,a fashion show and singers.
Footage shot in front of a green screen. Later various sets are incorporated. If you need green screen footage shot contact Alivision Video Productions.alivision@aol.com
Nicol & Fernando were married in Aruba on August 9, 2008. We filmed their love story the day before the wedding on the beach, at the Westin resort and at various locations on the island. A beautiful destination wedding.
Former Fox TV anchorman Bill McCreary interviews little Lisa who suffers from a neurological disease. This interview was videotaped and edited by Al Samuels of Alivision Video Productions.
Jennifer Barsamian sings the role of Carmen in the New Jersey Association of Verismo Opera's production of the Bizet opera. Videotaped October 19, 2008 by Alivision Video Productions at Bergenpac.
A few selected scenes from the New Jersey Verismo Opera's production of The Merry Widow sung in English. One of the things I enjoy most is video production for the theater and music. Taped in 2007.
This natural bodybuilding contest was taped in Poughkeepsie NY in October 2007. This is the first few minutes of a three plus hour show. For the entire show contact alivision@aol.com
The Sylver's family had me produce this family history biography for the 50th wedding anniversary of their parents
Frances & Armour. We used old 8mm home movies,photos, movie and TV clips and on camera interviews of family members. The entire program as produced ran 23 minutes and was shown at the party. There wasn't a dry eye in the house.
Short sample clips of a Jewish wedding includes vows,ring shots,breaking of the class, hora and black and white recap.
This wedding was shot in July 2003 and Meredith, Robert and their parents loved it.
An instruction video on how to start a home based medical billing service. Vanessa Best, your instructor, is a nationally known medical biller who has been sought after as a speaker and has been featured in numerous nationally circulated
business periodicals and magazines.
This DVD was produced in 2007 by Al Samuels of Alivision Video Productions.
Excerpts from an Instructional DVD I produced for the WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation) This DVD shows how to pose in order to win WNBF bodybuilding competitions. It was shot in Atlantic City in 2001. These excerpts total about 16 minutes -the total DVD is approx. 1 hour. For more info contact alivision@aol.com
This is a commercial produced for a web based tax service. It stars a friend of mine Tony Cucci and his wife Tina. Tony has appeared in many national commercials; on Broadway with Whoopi Goldberg and on TV shows like Law and Order and the Sopranos. Commercial shot and directed by Al Samuels-Alivision Video Productions.