Take Back Our CountryGet your copy of this song burn it to a CD and get ready to PLAY IT LOUD on May 2008 this is the next planned march of the SPAM (Spanish People Advocacy Movement)! WANTED: Established Male Artist, Establish Male Bands wanted to sing this song! Let’s talk; put this song on your next album release! I am not a singer; I need someone to sing this song for me with a band….etc…. Send me your videos at, mrcfunds@bellsouth.net but you got to get the song first. This is my way of doing my part to fight this illegal invasion of our country: This video is a National Boycott against illegal immigration and everything it stands for. All Legal People of this land know there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. You don’t sell out the country that I served in proudly USANG for money! HOW MANY BILLIONS DO DICK CHENEY need? Most of our U.S. Congress have allowed these illegal aliens to linger in our country. Please join me & get a copy of Take Back Our Country at www.falsearguments.net