Iraq Star's Latest Star Sgt. Jeffrey ColpetzerIraq Star's Latest Star Sgt. Jeffrey ColpetzerIraq Star's Latest Star Sgt. Jeffrey Colpetzer
Sgt. Jeffrey Colpetzer, receives follow-up treatment through Iraq Star for face injury.
Iraq Star takes up where military medical care leaves off, providing free reconstructive and cosmetic surgery to disfigured Iraq War veterans.
Iraq Star was founded by Retired Air Force Nurse Maggie Lockridge.
Iraq Star is in need of donations, surgeons, and volunteers. For further information, please visit:
Iraq Star takes up where military medical care leaves off, providing free reconstructive and cosmetic surgery to disfigured Iraq War veterans. Iraq Star was founded by Retired Air Force Nurse Maggie Lockridge.
Iraq Star need donations, surgeons, and volunteers. For further information, please visit: