My real Webzine 2005 vlogHere's my Webzine 2005 vlog, for real this time. And, really, the first thing I'd actually consider a vlog that I'm sending down this pipe: it's the first time I've made video specifically for this purpose, as opposed to appropriating something that was intended for another purpose.
After making this, I'm not sure I want to sit down and write a bunch about the conference. The abstractness of this little vlog is probably doing a better job of expressing the mix of call-to-action urgency and bohemian giddiness that infused the event. For me, it was more transformative in spirit than in anything tangible, and so a less-direct way of getting at that seems appropriate. I should note, too, that Webzine being emotionally effective actually seems more significant to me.
The audio you hear in the background is from Jacob Applebaum's speech at Webzine. His media activism really framed the entire conference for me and (I think) many others. You can download the entire speech here (10.8MB MP3). It's very worth a listen, though the audio quality might impair the impact a bit. Plus, at the event,
The music is "Our Time" by Imperial Teen.
The bad photos and video are mine (my ghetto camera is only partly to blame), but special thanks to Cirne , boogah , Ted Rheingold , Jacob Applebaum , Niall Kennedy , and Laughing Squid for the borrowed photos (more here ).
Practical note from the conference: Talk to strangers.
I'm terrible at this, but I must be better.