The Lord continues His work in our lives - changing us right up until the time we come face to face with Jesus, and seeing Him, become just like Him. The tool He uses is His Word...
While the letter kills, the Spirit brings life - and ALL scripture, as Paul writes Timothy, is God-breathed and profitable. Learning to appraise the Law and the Prophets spiritually will bless you abundantly
Jesus has left the building! (Oops - the world) But his light still shines, reflected off, not shiny polished mirrors, but beat up, bumpy old humans who have said to Him, "Use me Lord"
Life is a bumpy road, but the Lord can smooth the ride out for you. There is a spiritual shock absorber, and His name is Jesus Christ. From our bible study in 1 Thessalonians at
The mercy and forgiveness of the Lord is great when you receive it. Maybe even greater still when you give it. A powerful way to deal with those who do you wrong!
I died. Not only was it not so bad, it was actually pretty wonderful! So now I will do more than mourn the death of others, I will do all I can to see them raised from the dead. That's pretty exciting.
The Word says that we can come, buy and eat without cost. Salvation, which cost Jesus Christ, is the Father's free gift to us. So why are so many 'ministers' buying and selling the blessings of God?
One of the worst forms of persecution in the Church today is irrelevance! People just ignore Jesus Christ in daily life having been taught that He is not important. That is also more dangerous to the faith than the spilled blood of the martyrs.
It's about the power of the Body of Christ to make a difference in an ever darker world - to shine the light of the Holy Spirit and watch the cockroaches scatter.
It is a reason for hope when there is not a single reason for hope on this little old planet. It is a reason for peace in our hearts in a world full of turmoil. Get some now!
You can see a thing and not understand it, and when you understand it - that's only the beginning. There is more and more understanding to be had... It's not the Wizard of Oz - It's Jesus Christ
Christians are called to love those who are completely unlovable - not even likeable. Beyond tough, it's impossible without the love of God filling us. They will know that we are Christians by our love!
Wherever you are in your walk with the Lord, as good as you may be doing, halleluiah, we can all still press on to a higher place where we 'excel still more' - the calling of God is an upward calling