and i willshack house music put to video.All I can say is I am playing everything including 4 separate drum tracks over a different click track.Somehow my friends daughter had a cool DJ mix on the same space and they wound up together.I am almost positive that it is the virtuoso DJ,the great Victor Calderone.I am fairly certain the beat has been very morphed so I urge you to check out the work of this DJ and purchase his work because its worth it.I have never heard the original drum track but I can tell which frenzied drops are mine.No dollars will ever touch this amalgamation of ones and zero's.I have danced my blank sore to this DJ live and he was fresh and spontaneous. THIS first song on the video HAPPENED BECAUSE THE COMPUTER DID IT.I WAS EXPERIMENTING WITH SOUND and I liked the music I made originally, being very picky about what I like it seemed to me someone else might like something different.Maybe someone will become more open to house music while someone else might get more open to different vehicles for musical modalities when they make their house .There is a second acoustic prophet's thumb song by the middle of the video so hang on if you can't take it. I play acoustic blues leed in a duet with dude.Slightly degraded audio file ie:a few clicks here and there at the beginning.Hope you enjoy but always rock on.