Biodiesel de la basura TVE 24h ECOFAEcofasa turns waste to biodiesel using bacteria
Posted Oct 18th 2008 at 2:02PM by Xavier Navarro
Filed under: Biodiesel, European Union
A group of Spanish developers working for a company called Ecofasa just announced a new biofuel made up from trash. This isn't a biodiesel made from used frying oil; instead, it's made from general urban waste which is treated by bacteria. The result of that bacteria? Fatty acids that can be used to produce standard biodiesel. According to the company's CEO, the process is fully biologic, competes with no feedstock and is really sustainable. However, the process doesn't yield that much actual fuel: just one liter of biodiesel from 10 kg of trash. The project is now in a development phase, but Ecofasa said that a commercially viable model could be ready in three to four years.
[Source: Econoticias]