Game Savvy Libbeyvs.Scott 0001If you like Ohio St. vs Michigan, Cowboys vs. Redskins, North Carolina vs.Duke, then you will love this episode featuring one of the most intense rivalries in Northwest Ohio. The Toledo Scott Bulldogs and Libbey Cowboys ranked in the top 10 in the state, square off for honor,pride and respect. This game was one of the finest displays of intestinal fortitude and courage ever witnessed in the city's history. Watch and find out who won and why. The Game Savvy pilot will not disappoint.
Game Savvy is a thirty minute docustyle expose' set in the highly intense world of Northwest Ohio and national sports. Never be suprised at who at what you my experience in the world of the GAME SAVVY. Join Host Andre Savage as he goes inside the huddle, lockeroom, and practice on a constant quest to transmit truth.