"For as long as you are here on this earth... {True Smilers} feel alive."*watch full screen in order to read the twitlongers* About a week ago pictures surfaced of Miley Cyrus smoking cigs on vacation. A lot of "fans" and haters were tweeting her pretty disrespectful things that I could only imagine hurt her. (The day following the release of the pictures she was tweeting some fans leaving her supporting messages...my guess would be she was trying to focus on those things being said) And being a MASSIVE Miley fan I know her pretty well by now to know the kinds of things that hurt her. I decided to come up with the idea of having TRUE supportive fans tweet me messages for Miley and use those tweets along with positive, amazing things Miley has done to show her just how much REAL fans love her. My hope is that one day Miley will see this. Not for the sake of getting noticed by her (even though that would be AMAZING!) but i want her to realize love truly overpowers hate and us TRUE fans HATE seeing her hurt and upset. If you are a Miley fan and have a twitter please tweet this link to her! We NEED to get her to see this at some point to understand our love for her. --Kerri... (@RadiateamoreMC) RadiateLove<3