powerdrop through your favorite entrecard sites in 7 mins 41 secs for 100 creditsI have bookmarked all of my blogs that I read on a daily basis and after I've read through them all via RSS for the day, I'll pay my due diligence in the form of dropping my EntreCard.
Some call this powerdropping and some even say it is ruining EntreCard, but it is the nature of the beast, “dangle a carrot” and people will try to get it.
Sometimes I'll mosey through Entrecard sites, other times I'll just fly by and drop the card. It varies day to day for me. But the purpose of this is to show how I do the powerdrop.
1. Use Firefox.
2. Bookmark your favorite blogs that use EntreCard. (about 20 per set of bookmarks is the optimum amount and doesn’t lag
3. Go to Bookmarks-->[your folder]
4. Right click [your folder] and "Open in All Tabs"
5. Give it about 15 secs to load
6. Drop to your hearts content
I usually find each set of 20 is good for 80-100 drops for the day; It gets a bit addictive...