How Do You Learn 2 - Start Your Profits Today Review Bonus - Michael Cheney will release "Start Your Profits Today" on April 22, 2008. This got me thinking about a video I created in December of 2007 called How do you learn online?
The idea behind the video at the time was that their is plenty of ways to learn online. You can watch free videos on that related to internet marketing, you can join membership sites and you can also buy ecourses and ebooks as well.
Over the past few years I have purchased dozens of books tutorials and joined many of these types sites.
I don't really think it matters as long as you stay focused and commit to making it online you will. Most people however tend to quite before they see any real results.
Now about the new ecourse by Michael Cheney ...
Start Your Profits Today!
Is an new ecourse with other 3 hours of instructional video, pdf ebook reports and more. The course is geared for those just getting started online.
I am offering a 30 minute video based on ...