Careers Citigroup is an informative video on one of the world's largest financial organizations. Who are they, what do they do. Best Ways To Invest Money is an informative video on the 'question' it presents. Tips for investing in these tough economic times. Automobile Industry Impact On Us Economy is an informative video on what exactly has the effects the automobiles financial issues been on the US Economy and its consumers. ASPCA Careers is and informative video describing ASPCA (Animal Society for Provention and Cruelty to Animals) as an organization and the careers available in working for them.
httP:// What Happens During A Recession is an informative video that explains the transistional phases of what happens to the economy and consumers and industry during recessionary times. TSA Job Openings is an informative video on TSA (Texas Speleological(Cavers) Association. Who they are, what they are about, what they do, and jobs in that field. Topics For Informative Speeches an informative video on how to choose an informative speech topics and gives you direction in finding the right topic for you intended audience. KMART Job Applications is a video which gives a brief description of the jobs available at the different corporate levels within KMART and where to go to apply.