Oblivian The oblivion of a dream can last a lifetime... The main character, imprisoned in a strange room without doors, is persecuted by strange characters and haunted by the loss of a love. This experimental video was entirely shot in an empty sprinkler. It was presented at the Art Festival in Rome and at the Art Festival in Florence and selected in the 2003 Tuscelecta International Catalogue as a work of art.
A face in the water (Ingrid Lamminpää) staring at the public nostalgically and sadly like Ofelia who drowned in the river. The video presented in the Italian TV program Fuori Orario during the Epiphany’s Eve, marks the new cooperation between Graziano Staino and the jazz musician Stefano Bollani. Presented at the 2004 MEI edition (Independent label meeting), the video received a nomination as 2004 Best Italian Video.
A visionary voyage in a deserted land where the human race is a distant memory. This fusion of live footage, mirror photography and computer animation set to the pulse of electronic music of Lorenzo Brusci is a hauntingly beautiful elegy for humanity.Actors Nami Ha-vinh and Lawrence Ferlinghetti.""Your film is very beautiful. It looks like the world is under water or in the womb. The young girl has a powerful expression. It is great what you were able to achieve with the special effects, combining the many layers of images on top of each other ...it works beautifully. " by Floria Sigismondi.