Vivid images and music serve up an exploration of the once sacred holiday--now characterized more by consumption, commercialism and materialism--and invites viewers to think more critically and feel more deeply as they experience the holiday spirit.
Enjoy and share this Video Christmas card
Feel free to embed it in your friends myspace, friendster, facebooks, xangas or where ever sarcastic holiday Christmas cards can be left.
I hope you get a laugh at the Samproof and Paperlilies Video Xmas Card for 2007.
It’s day two of the Christmas Special! Get ready to plunge into a recipe that’s more than fit for the holidays: Vegan White Chocolate Ice Cream with Port-Poached Figs.
*temporary* I uploaded my short film DeaconSachi, so those Deaconites who did not go to the xmas party can see it. =) This video will be taken off at the end of the month.
the only surviving footage from seminal cult pop show Macclesfield live circa Xmas 1983. Rescued from the ashes of Macclesfield Media Centre and lovingly pieced back together under a microscope by residents of the local asylum- A Band Called Quinn performing Xmas no 1 "It's Xmas Time in glorious VHS vision!!!
Directed by Bal Cooke and Willie Richardson, edited by iMan 4D
this is a exclusive world premiere preview of what is to be released at xmas, to show the world what is above our earth if we just take a look.
a live event will be on the internet xmas week to show these craft live.
this is just a fraction of film there is still 80% more to see.