Aeve talks to Bao and talks about good and evil and. God created ligh and darkness. And someitmes you will ind true love in tests God brings in life where women and men must choose Good or Evil. And will find true love in those tests.
We find true love but remember to be humble and we come from animals. And God has a plan and many stories of true love exist thru history in wars and they found true love been in complicated stories.
ローマ人への手紙 3章11節
聰き者なく、 神を求むる者なし
A series of writing famous Bible verses with a brush
Romans 3:11
There is no one who is wise, there is no one who seeks God
Aeve talk that they know that can find their other selfs and find love of the person God sent them. They question if they have found true love and have not. They found otu their is the other half of yourself and they need to find to find true love.
We can build the trust relationship with God Tenchi-KanenoKami by cherishing the naliyuki happening to us because the naliyuki is the manifestation of the divine heart. 06-26-2024