Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details,Please visit Protests continue to be made in both large and small measure as people call for governments in countries...etc.
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit I don’t even call them hunters by the way; I would like to retract that word; they’re killers. Because they walk, literally walk right up to an innocent baby seal,...etc.
我不稱呼他們為獵人, 我想收回這個字, 他們應該叫殺手. 因為他們直接走向無辜的小海豹...等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit As the calls continue for improved living conditions, participation in government, better jobs and increased basic freedoms...etc.
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit As the calls continue for improved living conditions, participation in government, better jobs and increased basic freedoms...etc.
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit People in countries throughout the world call for the shared benefit of basic freedoms, improved living conditions and wages, respect, human rights and democratic representation...etc.
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details,Please visit People across the globe continue calling for social and political reforms to improve living conditions for themselves and fellow countrypersons, while also calling upon government to work on behalf of the people to help them live better lives...etc.
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit Currently many metros around the world are heeding the call to respond to our planet’s climate emergency, and are actively encouraging their residents to eat more plant-based fare...etc.
目前世界各地許多地鐵站聽從地球氣候變遷緊急的呼喚, 積極鼓勵居民採植物性飲食...等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit Former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami called for Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi immediate release...etc.
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit Commander of the military's special operations forces, General Abdul Salam Mahmood al-Hassi is the latest high profile official to resign his position, calling upon other soldiers to join the protesters and protect fellow citizens...etc.
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit The friend pointed out that even though Brenda did not shoot animals, she was personally responsible for killing them every time she went to a grocery store and bought the neatly packed corpses covered in cellophane for her meals…etc.
布蘭達的朋友指出, 雖然她不射殺動物, 但每次她到雜貨店購買精緻包裝, 以玻璃包裹的屍體作為她的食物時, 她也應承擔殺害他們的責任…等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit I always followed what I felt inside me. I had a very traditional education within a religion, but I left. I left everything, quietly, gradually, simply by following the inner calling; my soul was pushing...etc.
我總是聽從內在直覺. 我信仰傳統宗教, 但我離開了. 我默默逐漸離開一切, 僅遵循內在的呼喚…等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit The first Middle East Veg Congress in Dubai was officially opened. Supreme Master Ching Hai who spoke via videoconference about the sustainable solution of the organic vegan diet...etc.
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit Pre-packed pets, whose fates are well and truly sealed, it’s all a far cry from nature. And as we’ve learned, reptiles can offer no cries of their own. So we have to be it for them...etc.
事先包裝的寵物, 他們的命運被隱藏, 這都是大自然的呼救. 我們已經了解爬行動物無法呼救. 所以我們為他們呼救…等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit Their needs, wants, strategies and fears are inherited from millions of years of natural programming…etc.
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit The slow metabolic rate of reptiles means that many would not show signs of illness until long after they’re sold...etc.
爬行動物緩慢的代謝率意味著, 他們會在售出後很久才會顯示生病跡象...等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit According to 2007 International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) date, approximately 40% of 41000 plus animal species that have been assessed by the organization are endangered...etc.
根據世界自然保育聯盟07年的數據, 經該組織評估的逾41000動物物種, 約四成是瀕危的…等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit Days of heavy snow in China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region left thousands stranded as blizzard conditions struck municipalities like the city of Hulunbuir,...etc.
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit On November 12, the United Nations requested the help of the international community to address an increasingly desperate situation due to the spread of cholera in Haiti since its initial outbreak a month ago...etc. 11/12聯合國請求國際社會幫助,因應1個月前霍亂在海地,首次爆發並傳播後,造成的日益嚴峻局勢...等等。