This vision in my mind brings me back the memory when I saw the world famous festival... "I clearly remember... the punk bands such as Joey from The Ramones, pop star like Michael Jackson, and even Spike Lee! We all got together as one and shared the precious moment together with the magic of music and art." The moment is NOW!Let's take a stand together...from the earthquake disaster... from the land of rising sun. This charity event might be just one of the numerous opportunity to share your love. However, this can be a good chance to kick-start the ever lasting movement we're starting together now!"
***LINE UP(順不同)***
【Live Musician】島 卓也(BUDDHISTSON)/Yo Asai(Ds:The Stealth/Soah-i/Gold&Saint)/三浦 竜(2nd colony,TOBYAS)/iRa/SAWASPHOOL/伊藤 礼(インド古典楽器、シタール演奏家)/小川裕雅(二胡奏者)
【Guest Musician】 まっと(from岩手県 陸前高田市) 【DJs】Really? (Discocactus / Momarhino / Deep Cover)/Manabu Kitabori (Arco12 Korea/2E2L Tokyo)/i-sakurai(REPUBLIC/Droidj)/JETSONIC(TWO NEEDLES & SIXWIRES)/Kenny G(弾/Cor(FYM,BrandNewDive)/玲奈(BrandNewDive ∞ RENO)
【華道家】 一竹 【LivePainting ShowCase】Painter YORKE.(OLDCODEX)
【Silent Peformance】96969(クロックロック) 【Dance Peformance】n@n@/siiii/愛
【HAIR FASHION + LIVE SHOW】kumazaki(Make-up)/Ray(BodyJewery)/Sui(BodyPainting)/富上麻理奈(Model)/Syuhei Inoue(Hair Fashion Show Photo Shooting)