Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 - Final Rush カインの遺産:ソウルリーバー2 - ファイナルラッシュWhat i suppose are the bosses from soul reaver 2.
Final Rush is what happens after the death of Janos Audron, with the demons with barries to the Sarafan Brethren which servers as the bosses of this game.
Translated in google translator 悪い翻訳者
Boss Order: ボス順:
Demon Ambushes: 悪魔待ち伏せ
-Purple Demons - 00:00 パープル悪魔
-Green Demons - 00:54 グリーン悪魔
-Grey Demons - 1:08 グレー悪魔
-Fire Demons(Uschtenheim) - 1:48 火災悪魔
-Fire Demons(Road to Uschtenheim) - 3:42 火災悪魔
-Black Demon(Sarafan Camp) - 5:31 黒鬼
-Black Demon(Swamp) - 6:02 黒鬼
-Black Demons(Pillars) - 6:35 黒鬼
Sarafan Brethren: サラファン兄弟
-Melchiah and Zephon - 9:21
-Rahab and Dumah - 12:40
-Turel - 16:06
-Raziel - 17:37