Taiwan blooms across the world(English version)驚艷台灣花卉Since batch after batch of Phalaenopsis have been sent off to be sold in countries as far away as Japan, France, and Germany, Taiwan's flowers serve as its ambassadors, helping other members of global village gain a better understanding of Taiwan. 在台灣研發及花農業者辛勤耕耘下, ㄧ批又一批的台灣蝴蝶蘭漂洋過海出口到世界各地; 說明台灣是花卉的王國, 更顯示台灣花卉生產及技術實力受到世界肯定. 台灣花卉就像親善大使, 透過它希望讓更多地球村成員認識台灣. 未來當有人對台灣花卉發出驚艷之聲:"Where dose this beautiful flower come from?" 我們可以很自豪的說:"It comes from Taiwan!"