Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit At least one-third of all the world’s fish caught and murdered today is fed to livestock – not to us humans even…etc.
目前全球所捕殺的魚類, 至少有三分之一進了牲畜的肚子, 而不是人類吃掉了…等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit Everybody knows that vegetarian diet is good for health and to save the planet…etc.
因為每個人都知道素食對健康有益, 並能拯救地球…等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit A vegetarian lifestyle is almost all that we need right now to stop the global warming, to balance the scale of the negative consequences…etc.我們目前最需要吃素, 以遏止全球暖化, 緩解負面後果的影響程度…等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit As the ocean becomes warmer and warmer and more acidic, more toxins are present in the water...etc.
海洋日益暖化、酸化, 海水中越來越多毒素...等等。
It's the fastest production Jag ever made! 550 hp and 0-60 in just 4.2 seconds! The color and aggressive aerodynamics may convince you that this is simply a concept, but this wild Cat is actually going to make its way to showrooms! In this episode of WheelsTV First Auto News, Amanda talks to Tim of Jaguar about the XKR-S. Distributed by Tubemogul.
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit You see, all this is important because if humans are in shortage of food or, of water, then conflicts, of course, will break out. That is what the United Kingdom means by “climate change is affecting national security”…etc.
可見這一切都很重要, 因為人類如果缺糧或缺水, 必會爆發衝突. 那就是英國所指的氣候變遷會影響國家的安全…等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit Just be veg. Stop the stop the meat, dairy, fish industry. Be benevolent. Create a merciful energy that will envelop our world, that will emit mercy, love, protection for us and our children on this planet…etc.
只要茹素, 終止肉、乳品、漁業以仁慈創造慈悲能量來圍繞我們的世界, 為地球上的我們與我們的子孫散發慈悲、愛心與保護力量…等等。
Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit Moreover, as the glaciers continue to melt, the great Mekong River will begin to dry, because there’s no more support of flowing water – meaning further hardship for farmers water becomes more scarce...etc.
此外, 由於冰河持續融化, 大湄公河將開始乾涸, 因為後援不繼了, 表示更缺水時, 農民處境將更困苦...等等。
原題「110415 1f 2」以下コメントも原文のまま。
Movies taken from T-Hawk, Reactor Building, Unit 1, 3,4 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Unit 1 ,3,4(2/3) (Video on April 15, 2011)
Kayla Melson
Ole Miss 5-8 1
2nd Team All-SEC 2010-11: 15.1ppg (3rd in SEC) 5.3rpg, 4.2apg, 1.6spg, 38mpg. Career: 1101pts 453ast, 2010: 5.9apt (1st in SEC, 10th Nation), 12.2ppg, led team 53stls, 34.7mpg, 1.7ast/turn ratio
The Cop Doc radio show promo video featuring Criminal Profiler Pat Brown, Dave "Buck Savage" Smith, and police guru Roy Bedard with host former police chief Dr. Richard Weinblatt on Arresting Topics of Police, Crime and Safety Thursdays at 7 pm EDT on Blogtalkradio. For more information