Playing my 1967 Red Mosrite Combo Guitar, loaded with Bob Shade, Hallmark Carvin Re-issue Pickups, going through a 1973 Fender Princeton Reverb Amp ... 4-2-2008
Geoff, messing around with "Our Day will come", on his 1967 Red Mosrite Combo Guitar loaded with Bob Shade Hallmark Carvin style Pickups ,,, going through a 1973 Fender Princeton Reverb Amp ,,, 40202008
JESUS TEMPTATION – (Mat Ch3-4) 2 – Nige Burr of the UK; why was Jesus’ cousin acting so strangely in the desert? Plus, temptation can really screw us up. But not Jesus! He starts telling people some home truths and getting together with a few blokes. The party gets better with sick people being healed.