Awaken Third Eye & Kundalini Shakti through eN KriyaLiving Incarnation and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda began the eN-Kriya initiation with some important truths about the Third eye, ajna chakra, and how eN-Kriya initiation directly awakens it.
"The brow center is the cosmic browsing center. You can access, download, use, send any info to and from cosmos. The cosmic archives are directly available, you can access it. You have possibility of experiencing it."
He wasn't being philosophical, he was explaining "something much more tangible than what you think as tangible; more reality than what you think as reality. Understand, the non mechanical parts of the brain in your system are responsible for the extra ordinary experiences and powers. It can send and receive messages to anybody, anywhere in the universe. It can attract the right people towards you and send the wrong people away from you!"
The 5 life breathings happening in you, are directly connected to the 3rd eye.
Your body can be compared to an instrument -- your muladhara (chakra) is a bowl ...