Go for Broke~Minami no Kaze ga Tsutaeta Monogatari(Tent.)~Teaserハワイ日系二世の記憶を残すべく、ドキュメンタリー映画の制作を進めています。また、インタビューに応えてくれた二世ヴェテランズへ礼を尽くす意味でも、今年のホノルル映画祭への出品を目指しています。
I produce a documentary film to have memory of Hawaiian Nikkei Nisei.
In addition, I aim for exhibition to the Honolulu Film Festival in this year, bacouse I hope return gratitude to Nisei Veterans which met an interview.
The money does not gather, and the situation is severe by a image exhibition and a blackout by the earthquake.
However, the Nisei does not have time.
Therefore I lay an aim for Honolulu Fil Festival and hurry completion.