How to File Renamer to rename files, renaming files in batch utility software!"Click here for more details on File Renamer to rename files, renaming files in batch utility software!
This is a great file renaming software application that allows to rename files in batch or bulk, easily, and all at once! You can find your collection of mp3 files, collection of image files, and so forth, and rename them all! Some of the features include:
Ability to specify easy or complex search patterns. You can use simple or regular expressions to rename your files
Ability to rename and renumber your files. Makes it a lot easier to organize MP3s and images
Easily group all your files together! Say that you have a bunch of .jpg images scattered throughout your harddrive with various names, and you would like them all in one directory, under a common naming system. (I.e., picture0001.jpg, picture0002.jpg, picture0003.jpg ,etc). With this software, it is easy! You simply do a recursive search, find the .jpg files, then rename and move them into an output directory!
This file renamer software is great software to rename files all at once! Try it now for free, or get the full version!"