ThinkFwd: EP011 Alexie Torres-FlemingWe live in a "sound-bite" society that exalts rugged individualism. Rather than accept this as the only reality, Alexie Torres-Flemming is working with the youth the South Bronx to live as a community and work for social justice, housing reform, and environmental reform. Alexie, creator and director of Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice, has worked for 15 years helping youth to see their neighborhood as God's kingdom and to realize that church isn't just a place you go to learn about getting to another place (heaven). Spencer Burke interviews Alexie, who describes how she grew up in Catholicism and a social teaching tradition. But that young people were often relegated to the choir or dance or basketball teams, and not engaged in important work of social change in their community. The Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice gives youth a place to impact their neighborhood and to integrate their faith with their daily lives-not just entertaining them, or keeping them busy, but engaging them in the ...