Confection Retribution! ... 05/06/14Tonight in the SHOW: Driving under the influence is no laughing matter. Unless of course, the circumstances are such that a drunk side-swiped another car, motivating the victim to call the police, resulting in both drivers being arrested. Then it's hilarious.
Also! ... When bullies receive their comeuppance, it normal accompanies a feeling of morally righteous vindication. However, in these days of social awkwardness seeking expression via vengeance, it's no wonder that nerds have become a feared demographic. Beware geeks bearing gifts.
... And! ... We here at UnLearn TV feel comfortable in our emphatic declaration that the world was a much better place before the word "twerking" was woven into the American lexicon. Which is why it is with great delight that we offer a detailed account about the incarceration of three delectable --if not incredible stupid and annoying-- heinie shaking bimbos.
All this plus! ... This week's Minimal Criminal!.... Trend to Offend!... and our featuring of the nation's most ...