South Churches of Cebu with Balbino GuerreroBusiness Administration Students from the University of Visayas, Cebu, and Australian documentary filmmaker Dunc Coleman, board a bus for a one day tour to the southern east coast of Cebu Island to visit five ancient catholic churches in their equally old and pastoral country towns. The intrepid Tour Guide and Cebu history advocate is Mr. Balbino Guerrero who shares his love and knowledge of these remarkable places including a joke or two. Beautifully hand painted ceilings of ancient churches, secondary burial plagues under church roofs, country town children practicing traditional guitar music within the church yard, an intimate observation of Filipino Catholic devotion through the ages. All this and a little bit more along the journey back into the days of antiquity in the Philippines.
duration: 20 minutes 45 seconds
soundtrack music is Creative Commons, Public Domain and /or Attribution and copyright free.