TES4 OBLIVION 実況プレイ 48 (Shivering Isles その5)今回は短めです・・
・All Natural Version 1.3.2
・Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.Version 5.0
・Cobl Main.esm Version 1.72
・Cobl Main JP
・All Natural - SI
・Immersive Interiors
・Sounds of Cyrodiil
・All Natural - Real Lights
・Enhanced Economy
・Crowded Roads
・QZ Easy Menus
・Cobl Si
・Cobl Glue
・FF_Real_Thirst, Cobl
・Cobl Tweaks
・Salmo the Baker, Cobl
・Auto Repair
・Toggleable Quantity Prompt
・Life Detected
・Real Hunger, Cobl
・Cobl Silent Equip Misc
・All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods
・JPWikiModAltSI_by achi