Risen (HD) Review and Gameplay!!! PC vs 360Risen (HD) Review and Gameplay!!! PC vs Xbox 360
Twitter: @ZeitgeistReview
Developer: Piranha Bytes
Publisher: Deep Silver
Platform: PC, Xbox 360
Price: $39.99, $49.99
Review Video: http://www.youtube.com/ZeitgeistReview
For a full write-up and screen-shots, head on over to http://www.ZeitgeistGameReview.com !
For Gameplay Footage, head on over to http://www.youtube.com/ZeitgeistOther
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PC Used:
Intel Core i7 920 @ 2.66ghz
6Gb DDR3 1600mhz
ATI 5850 2gb
2 7200rpm 500gb Hard Drives in Raid 0 - Gameplay
1 7200rpm 1Tb Hard Drive - Fraps
1920x1080 - Maxed Graphics - Vsync On - 60fps Constant Distributed by Tubemogul.