A humorous version of the dependency of mankind on plastics. An original jingle and soundtrack production by Plastivision that addresses the deep roots Plastic has in our modern lives.
Oliver Soerup and Stephan Weber going through their very special short trip to Led Zeppelin's famous song Kashmir.
Check out: https://soundcloud.com/stephan_weber/
Source: https://youtu.be/TsOwF66eakM
PazifikKrieg 1941-1945 I-II-III_GuadalK-MidwayPhlipinenİwojimaOkinawa etc. du machst was falsch Nippon..Bist du bester Soldat um pro US-Gİ x10 zu sterben..Kamikaze zuletzt..VORHER eingesetzt euer Marine existent als deren
60.3 Guadalkanal..7000 US Tote...24000 Japantote
66.1 Rabaul..USA & co 10000e Tote...Japan 150000 Verluste
69.3 Tereva..1700 US Soldaten tot..5000 Japaner
74 Saipan..USA 29 Jäger..Japan 228 und scheinbar noch eine Welle...TURKEYSCHOOT..Truhahnschießen
76.50 USA 46000 Tote..Japan 300000 Verluste..
89.40 Leyte..USA 3000Tote...50000 Verluste
95.3 Manila..1000 US Soldaten gefallen..Japan 17000 Verluste
97.1 Phillippinen 16000 Tote...35000 Japaner..