How To Create Windows Restore Point - I Techie SolutionsSystem Restore is a Microsoft Windows feature that allow you to restore your computer's states (installed applications, including system files, system settings and Windows Registry) to its earlier point in time. It can be used to recover your system when you are facing any problems in your system. Doing system restoration will not make any changes to your computer personal files. It never affects your any files or folder whether it is in D drive, E drive or in C drive. In this video 'I Techie Solutions' will show you how to create a system restore point using Windows 7. Creating a restore point: This video will help you to return your computer status back to the particular time and date that you created your restore point. This process is very useful for you, when you are facing issues with your computer like performance issues, random error messages, system crashes. Issues addressed in this tutorial: - How to restore your computer - Restore your computer - How to restore your computer Windows 7 - How to restore your computer Windows 8 - How to restore your computer Windows 10 - How to restore your computer Windows 8.1 - How to restore your computer like new