Tattoo: Sator Square Snake- Design by Tess tattoo by Zach 8/10Check your mind... is it open? How about your underwear... fitting well, not too tight, not wedged up? Getting enough dietary fiber to have good daily BMs? If you said no to any of those questions, this video isn't for you. Same goes if you're against tattooing.
Tattooing is an activity done by adults in an adult setting. Hence the pictures on the walls, state of dress, and the badinage reflect this. So... if you're not into the scene, or it upsets you, then for the love of Big Bird, don't watch this video!
Rather than capture the entire tattoo process this time, I just caught some segments of the process. As usual, my wife Tess came in with a sketch and a concept, and as usual, Zach of Deluxe Tattoo, Chicago, did a great job rendering it. The "Sator Square" is an ancient Christian palindrome/code. For more on it see My wife Tess will do a video about the square and the tattoo once it has healed more.