AndromedaAndromeda is the name of the daughter of Cepheus, the legendary king of Ethiopia. Her mother boasted about how beautiful she was and even told people that she was more beautiful than the Nereids. So they got Poseidon to chain her to a rock until a sea monster devoured her but I suppose Poseidon had a change of heart because he rescued her. Her name was given to a constellation of stars in the northern hemisphere. Sometimes we all feel that way. Like weâre chained up awaiting some monster to devour us. This is where the name came from. Joey told me that the song reminded him of that story and so it kind of just stuck. I was going through some drama at the time of writing the music and was going to make it a very angry song, but after I cooled off I had different intensions. Sometimes I feel like I need a break from all this stuff going on in my life, but whats really going on is that all these constant horrors are just making me stronger. So I guess the jokes on life huh?