Effects Of Tooth Loss Can Be Prevented Through Dental ImplantsTooth loss can put the adjacent teeth in jeopardy if not taken care immediately. A dental implant is absolutely the best solution to avoid the aftereffects of single tooth loss. Detail information about dental implant is available at http://www.centralparkperio.com Losing a single tooth and not replacing it has many consequences. Approximately 6 – 12 months after a tooth is lost, the surrounding teeth on either side of the space or in the opposite arch tend to migrate and shift their positions. This puts undo pressure on the remaining teeth, often causes food to be trapped that should otherwise be deflected, and in the presence of periodontal disease, can cause the front teeth to also shift. In addition, the other teeth need to function under more chewing and biting pressures, which can adversely affect them. So when a single tooth is missing, it is best to have it replaced as soon as possible, and usually, a dental implant is the best choice to replace missing teeth.