The Office Workout - Ep 30 - Made Fit TVThe New Year brings about new goals and attitudes toward our health and fitness. The problem: our schedules are the same ‘ole stressful, time consuming routine that allows us little time for our newly found urge for exercise. Is that about right? That said, many of you have emailed me looking for answers as to how to fix this.
So, how can you easily fit exercise into your work day? It’s much simpler than you may think. In this week’s episode, I demonstrate exercises you can do without stepping outside your office or cubical. Even better — you don’t necessarily need equipment, either! My video shows you creative ways to use your office chair… for exercise that is (get your mind out of the gutter!). I also demonstrate movements using objects that are most-likely right on or inside your desk! So, grab your stapler and water bottle and let’s get to work!