Fozzy Whittaker signs autographs, including my hat, at the April 1, 2012 Texas Spring Football game. Fozzy was an incredible sparkplug on the 2011 team and made two amazing back to back 100 yard kickoff returns in the OK State game.
hey veoh here is this weeks website writeup- sUPEREDS 274 weekly inteRnet video" for april 14 2012 titled "sUPEREDS haircut 2012" sUPERED the internet video artist/street performer/film editor/professional weird-0 billed as the 12th most strangest person on de internet puts out on the internet another sUPERED haircut video- in this video you will see 162 hollywood head shots of sUPERED while a song from an little known rock band plays in the background enjoy smile IIIII11111IIIIIsUPERED 41412sUPERED-when i heard this song i fell in love with it clean simply rock and roll at its best at the time i was putting together some headshots for a website and it was haircut time also so i got the idea to do lots head shots with just 2 expressions on my face a straight faced followed by my hollywood smile face hahah the shots and the music just went together well there are 3 groups of headshots 1 before haircut 1 group during haircut 1 group after haircut that gives the video the sUPERED touch well thats all for now be good-keep it real stay healthy have fun at no ones expense love each other and help those in NEED (not want) by love sUPERED sUPEREDbodyforhire
Pastor Darold Reiner delivers the children's message at the April 8, 2012 Easter 11AM service. The Church at Creston - Lutheran is an LCMS church in the Kalispell / Bigfork area in NorthWest Montana.
On this week's Christian World News: Prayer for revival in North Korea, the Arabian Peninsula's threat to religious freedom, prison fire victims find hope through churches, and more.
.. The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN
Mike Larson sees many similarities between the dot-com bubble of the late 1990s, and todayâs huge tech rally. He says Wall Street darlings like Apple and will soon lose their momentum, and the sector will collapse like it did in 2000.
Its Friday the 13th on Tech Juice at TigerDirect TV! The kitchen has changed but Yendi talks about Google's stock split and an Update to North Korea's activities. TigerDirect Deal of the Day is awesome!
There are ETFs offering access to several regions of the world, but Ron Rowland notes that the nations bordering the Mediterranean Sea are not represented in one fund, despite their centuries-long ties. He offers suggestions for getting around this.
Big news about this week's live show!
Tuesday, April 17th â 7:30pm
Tickets: FREE!
Pianos NYC
158 Ludlow Street
Between Stanton and Rivington
BILL HADER (Saturday Night Live)
KEVIN CONROY (Batman: The Animated Series)
- The show is now totally FREE! And it starts a half hour earlier at 7:30PM!
- We are going to be giving away EVEN MORE COMICS! Everybody rides!
-The show will be taped by BROADWAY VIDEO and posted every WEDNESDAY on the NERDIST youtube channel. Go Subscribe!
-There is an awesome bar IN THE ROOM!
PLUS, free comics, and a $25 gift certificate to Midtown Comics! Holy cow!
And our podcast is part of THE NERDIST NETWORK now?? Check it out here:
AND The Videos of the Live Show every Wednesday at:
Come on down to the live show and be a part of the Podcast and Taping!
Today on Tech Juice at TigerDirect TV we talk about Google Plus's new look and North Korea going a little bonkers. Don't forget to check out the deal of the day!
North Koreaâs Big Bad Missile Launch Begins (Updated)
Google Plus Gets a Makeover
TigerDirect's deal of the day: 12-_-CatId_16_T156-2570
As Spanish government bond yields approach 6 percent, Tom Essaye says Europe is heading for another wave of the sovereign debt crisis. The markets know that EU leaders will eventually act to head off a disaster, but are unwilling to fix the problem.
Happy Hump Day from Tech Juice on TigerDirect TV! Today we discuss Spotifyâs new Play Button and the importance of being vigilant when creepers have smartphones that can record you while you tinkle.
News Sources:
Spotify launches Play Button in bid to become the web's default music player
Pharmacy Perv Watched Ladies Pee with Toilet Paper iPhone Cam
TigerDirect Deal of the Day:
Senior Pastor Russell Hildebrandt delivers his "Surreal or Real" sermon at Grace Lutheran Church in Arlington, TX on April 8, 2012. The following video is referenced in the sermon-watch it first:
April 8, 2012 Sermon delivered by Pastor Darold Reiner at The Church at Creston - Lutheran, Kalispell, MT. The shortest verse in the Holy Bible; "AMEN" This is the last sermon of the series on "The Lord's Prayer"
Nilus Mattive offers another tip for keeping additional money away from Uncle Sam: Coverdell ESAs. These education savings accounts allow you to contribute to schooling costs for a child in your life, and the funds are sheltered from tax liability.
Gilgit, April 10: Pakistan’s proposal to impose a new tax in Gilgit Baltistan has triggered widespread protests. The move is the latest of Pakistan’s oppressive policies in the disputed region.
On this lovely Tuesday morning on Tech Juice at TigerDirect TV we speak of things like Instagram selling out to Facebook for $1 Billion bucks. NASA is hard up for cash so they are selling a Telescope from the nineties for 7 Million. Today's TigerDirect Deal is a FABULOUS Motherboard (Crossfire X/SLI ready)!
Monday morning on Tech Juice at TigerDirect TV brings you the latest news from Nokia and its 41 megapixel camera as well as a music video through a microscope. TigerDirectâs deal of the day is amazing!
News Sources:
SIM-free Nokia 808 PureView up for pre-order in Italy, expected to launch in May
Micro Organisms Make For One Mind-Bending Music Video
TigerDirect Deal of the Day:
Join Fr. Scurti for Easter Sunday April 8, 2012.
Readings for Mass
First Reading: Acts 10:34, 37-43
Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23
Second Reading: Colossians 3:1-4, or First Corinthians 5:6-8
Gospel: John 20:1-9