(Eckankar) The Spiritual Year of ECK: A Year of Blessing"October 22 marks the Spiritual New Year of ECK. Taking place in autumn, it signifies the high point or spiritual harvest in the year's cycle. It is a time of rededication.
Each new spiritual year carries a theme. This theme, or name, gives a focus to the spiritual direction of ECK initiates for the next twelve months."
~ Sri Harold Klemp, the Spiritual Leader of Eckankar
The Living Word, Book 3, p. 211
For more information about Eckankar, the Spiritual Year of ECK, or Sri Harold Klemp please visit http://www.eckankar.org/
Note: This is not an official Eckankar video. It was independently edited/produced with love as an ECK creative arts expression by ECKist John S. from Portland, Oregon.