Lasting Images - Alternatives to Traditional Burial TrailerAll the different ways to dispose of yourself when you die.
You know the saying ”death and taxes....,” but tax time comes only once a year and death comes approximately ninety six times per minute.¹ What will be done with you when your minute arrives? Enter Lasting Images, a feature documentary taking a peek at the lighter side of contemporary choices in human remains disposition.
Traditional, six feet under burials are still the first choice among Americans today, so four months were spent following students at a Mortuary Science School filming the beginning to end process of Traditional Burial, and gathering information regarding non-traditional methods of human disposal and memorials.
Then it was on to Cremation, the second most popular choice today. The filmmakers drove all across the US to not only document the numerous ways people use the ashes of their loved one to honor the lighter side of their lives, but also to film an actual cremation.
Next the growing alternative Green movement was explored.