Pay medical bills after car crash - Portland injury attorneysIf you've been in a car crash, your most important concern is to get better, and you need to get your medical bills paid right away. If you have auto insurance, you have what's called personal injury protection benefit, or PIP That's a no-fault provision of your auto policy that will pay for your medical bills. You need to call your insurance company right away, and tell them you've been involved in a car crash, and they'll set up a claim for you, and that's the way to get your medical bills paid right off the bat. Sometimes it does happen that your insurance, your PIP benefit will not pay for your medical bills. If that happens, PIP may decide to stop paying your medical bills. You might have to get an attorney involved at that point. Attorneys in Oregon can sue your PIP carrier and force them to pay your medical bills. If that's not an option, sometimes you go to your health insurance, if you have it. Health insurance will pay when your PIP insurance will not pay.