DBN February 2011 Newsletter - Downline Building Network DBN-USA.comIf the words network marketing or MLM leave a bad taste in your mouth, that is all about to change! I am going to share with you the most affordable and simple method of generating fast cash and steady monthly residual income in America today. This is one of the most lucrative opportunities to come along in long time. Using this system, and working only a few hours a week, you can create a completely walk-away residual income. Doesn't a 2nd paycheck sound better than a 2nd job? In March of 2007 DBN was launched. The system builds a large and profitable downline (sales network) from home, completely by mail. No more chasing down friends and family to join your opportunity or trying over-priced products. In it's first 12 months, this system successfully brought in 100's of people, and generated $1,000's a month in residual income. Residual income is when you earn a payment/commission each month on work you did only one time. The system completely eliminates all the problems you may have experienced in the past. This system will literally have people begging to join your downline. STOP chasing friends and family! STOP attending useless conference calls! STOP purchasing useless lotions, potions, and pills! STOP paying $200+ for product purchases! I encourage you to take the 5 minutes to read this page packed with information and then make your own decision. This plan will show you a completely new way of networking.