Thousands of people in in the Mexican states of Chihuahua and Tamaulipas are experiencing floods, after several days of sever rains. Some areas are under a State of Emergency. (July 16) How to care for you chihuahua. Whether your dog is a teacup or longhair chi, let our expert at show how to keep your little one happy and healthy
Programa Radiofonico sobre fenomenos Paranormales transmitido a traves de la señal de La Reina 900 AM desde Ciudad Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua para todo el mundo.
video de nuestro presidente legitimo de mexico andres manuel lopez obrador durante la toma de protesta de los brigadistas ... de cuidad juarez chihuahua mexico el 16 de mayo 2008 parte 1 de 3 more>> <<less
video de nuestro presidente legitimo de mexico andres manuel lopez obrador durante la toma de protesta de los brigadistas de cuidad juarez chihuahua mexico el 16 de mayo 2008 parte 3 de 3
Video para el tema "Qisiare" de la banda "Niños heroes" de Cd. Juárez Chihuahua, Mexico. Producido por Barajas Llorent.
El tema es de su album "Qisiare"que se grabo en el estudio los altos, de junio del 2005 a Marzo del 2006. Sitio Oficial:
Casa De Chihuahua popped into The Big Apple and Susan McIntosh invited them over to the West Village. Enjoy the ride as they take 'Their Mobile Still' around the block. Please don't mind our hooting and clapping.
We were priveledged to have Casa De Chihuahua pop into The Big Apple. Enjoy the ride as they take the still around the block while jamming their hit song "Canyon".
Three Chihuahuas in New York get a new set of wheels, er, legs, after being born without front legs. The pups are getting strapped into aluminum frames with rubber wheels, bought with donor dollars. (Jan. 12)
A different assortment of animes put together to make this video. I do not own the animes, the video, or the music. D: I did not make the videos. I uploaded this video just to show it to a friend of mine. Excellent video though. <3
These are some of the ugliest dogs I have ever seen. Only a mother could love these homely pups.
dog dogs humor funny gross sick comedy pets